
Our download area provides product information on our granulates and information on APK AG. Are you looking for specific information? You can send your inquire to us directly using our contact form.

Anlagenzertifikat für die Letztempfängeranlage

APK General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Brochure APK AG

Data sheet Mersalen® LDPE NCY 01

Data sheet Mersalen® LDPE NCY 02

Data sheet Mersalen® LDPE RCY 05

Data sheet Mersalen® LDPE RCY 07



ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Merseburg

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate APK Newcycling Competence Center GmbH

ISO 14001:2015 Certificate

ISO 50001:2018 Certificate

Recycling product flyer

REDcert²-904-46932301 Certificate Merseburg